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1 April 2001 The European Ornithologists' Union and the new journal Avian Science

The European Ornithologists' Union (EOU) was formally founded in August 2000 in Zurich. Its objectives are the advancement of ornithology and the promotion of the scientific study of birds among ornithologists in Europe. The business of the EOU is conducted by the Council: Jacques Blondel (President), Liz Pasztor (Vice-President), Andreas Helbig (Secretary), Peter Jones (Editor), Lukas Jenni (Treasurer), Peter Berthold, Casimir Bolshakov, Anton Kristin, Erik Matthysen, Anders Pape Møller, Eulalia Moreno, Arie van Noordwijk, Ulla Norberg, Christopher M. Perrins, Fernando Spina, and Hans Winkler.

The EOU was founded as an equal partnership among avian biologists throughout Europe. The EOU will organize biennial conferences and provide a platform for smaller thematic ornithological groups. The EOU has already held two successful conferences: 1997 in Bologna, Italy; 1999 in Gdansk, Poland. The next conference will be held in Groningen, The Netherlands, 22–26 August 2001. (For more information see

The EOU will publish the scientific journal Avian Science, The European Journal of Ornithology. Avian Science publishes significant original papers and occasional review articles of international interest on all aspects of ornithology, theoretical and applied, but with a primary focus on the biology of European species. The journal is published in English. The first two issues will appear in the second half of 2001.

Thereafter, four issues will be published per year. The Editor of Avian Science is Peter Jones. Please send your best manuscripts on European birds to the Editor, Dr. Peter Jones, ICAPB, University of Edinburgh, Kings Buildings, Edinburgh EH9 3JT, Scotland.

The EOU is a society under Swiss law and open to members from any country. Annual membership fee includes the journal Avian Science and is EURO 40 (for members of high-income countries) and EURO 20 (for members of low-income countries and students). For more information and membership consult the home page at or contact the Secretariat of the EOU, Stephan Trösch, Hintergasse 22, CH-8268 Salenstein, Switzerland. Fax ++41-71-664-3563.

"The European Ornithologists' Union and the new journal Avian Science," The Auk 118(2), 573, (1 April 2001).[0573:TEOUAT]2.0.CO;2
Published: 1 April 2001
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